
Quilts in Review 2022

A Review of Completed Quilts. Looking back at the quilts of 2022, I realize how many projects I completed. However, the process started slowly and not without hiccups. A Quilts in Review post was needed to celebrate the successes. Quilts in Review – New Projects I continued to add projects in 2022: a mystery quilt and a block of the month added in the early months of the year—both of these projects fed my creative…

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Freebies Quilting

Scrappy Irish Chain Quilt Block

Double Irish Chain – Perfect for using up Leftover Fabrics Is your sewing room overflowing with fabric? Are you looking for a way to use up what you have? The Double Irish Chain quilt block indeed lends itself to a scrappy quilt. In this easy scrappy quilt pattern, you need 2 1/2″ squares of a variety of colors as well as 2 1/2″ strips of light or dark background colors. Ultimately, these are the most…

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Quilting Productivity

Weekly To-Do Lists Aid Quilting Productivity I am a list person; I love to cross items off a list and ultimately add items to my list just to cross them off. Raise your hand if you do the same. By all means, create the list, add items, and cross things off the list! After all, the lists are meant to help us feel productive, specifically regarding our quilting productivity. As my brain matures, I now…

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Tackling Quilt Projects

The Ever-Growing Quilt Project Pile Mountain Do you look at your quilt projects and want to stash them away? Hide them in a closet? Pile them into totes stored out of sight? You are not the only one. Our creative quilt enthusiasm for the next project often strikes before we finish our current project. If we aren’t careful, our quilt projects in various stages of completion will overtake our sewing area. I have become a…

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Project UFO Buster

Starting in January Who would like to join me in a game to complete some of your UFOs (UFO Buster)? Take a good hard look at your projects. Like me, you may have projects in various stages of completion. This past month, as I organized my sewing/craft room to make space for my quilting machine, I made a list of my projects. Man, oh, man, what was I thinking??? Because there are so many quilt…

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Progress on Quilt Projects

Quilt Projects Progress! Last month I had a goal to make progress on quilt projects. So, I have made some progress over the past month on my quilt projects with a little help from a friend. I am enjoying a new to me Juki tl2010q with a Grace Q Zone Hoop Frame. I found this little gem for a great price on Facebook Marketplace. This is a small but mighty set-up. I don’t have space…

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How Many WIPs Are Too Many?

What are WIPs anyway? WIPs are “Works in Progress” in terms of quilt projects. How many WIPs are too many? There is no right or wrong answer; it truly depends on your creative style. I love starting new and exciting projects, but that creates a bit of chaos in my sewing room. It looks like it is time to finish some of the projects. This past weekend I held a quilt retreat for a wonderful…

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Freebies Quilting

What to Pack for a Quilt Retreat

Quilt Retreat Must-Haves What is considered a quilt retreat must-have? I thoroughly enjoy attending Quilt Retreats. It doesn’t matter if it is a weekend-long or an all-day one; Quilt Retreats are a great way to share with like-minded people. I am a list maker, and I have found that to create the best experience at a retreat, I need to remember all the necessary items. I am sharing my list with you. It is in…

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What is a Quilting UFO?

Quilting UFO? A Quilting UFO is a quilty Un-Finished Object (Project). For me, I think of them as UFPs – Un-Finished Projects. You may also hear quilters talk about WIP – Work in Progress. Lately, most of mine have been UFPs – Unfinished Projects.  Quilting UFO or UFPs – So many projects During the organization process of the Creative Chaos Room (oxymoron?), I found that I had way too many unfinished projects. I know I am not alone…

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Hand Quilting Quilting

Wholecloth Quilt – The End Results

How do you finish a wholecloth quilt? Welcome to Quilting With Tamara! Finishing a wholecloth quilt involved completing all the quilting, trimming the edge, adding the binding, and washing carefully to remove the blue quilting lines. There are instances in which the blue stencil lines don’t wash out completely. The article below will see how I finished this two-year project. Wholecloth Quilt Adventure This post shows the results of my wholecloth quilting adventure. This was…

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