Freebies Quilt Design Scrap Quilt

Row by Row Sampler 2024

Coming in January: Row by Row Sampler 2024 A new sampler will be available starting in January. The Row By Row Sampler is a bit of a different take on the Block of the Month. In addition to directions for each row, you will also have ideas for using that block alone in a quilt. This sampler lends itself to going scrappy. I will work on fabric requirements in case you want to limit the…

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Quilt Design Quilting

Worktable Wednesday: Jack’s Chain

9-Patches Continuing for this Worktable Wednesday I just wanted to touch base about what I am working on for this Worktable Wednesday. The 9-Patch units for Jack’s Chain will probably be on my worktable for a while. I normally don’t have time to play in the sewing room on Wednesday, but I was blessed with an hour of time, and of course, I made good use of it. Jack’s Chain Chaos Because I am trying…

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Quilt Design Quilting Scrap Quilt

Jack’s Chain Quilt Pattern Progress

Jack’s Chain Project: 9-Patch Progress This month I am focusing on the 9-Patch units for Jack’s Chain. This is the easy part, although there are so many 9-Patches to create. Maybe, I can find a day when I forget everything else and lock myself in the sewing room. Right now, when I look at the 9-Patches, I do not see the look I want. There is too much color, but then I remind myself that…

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Quilt Design Quilting Scrap Quilt

Jack’s Chain Quilt: 9-Patch

Jack’s Chain Quilt Pattern: 9-Patch Strips The 9-Patch block is key to this pattern. It is the only place I will have color. This scrap quilt pattern has six 9-patches per block. That means I am settling in for the long haul by creating many 9-patches. Jack’s Chain Quilt Pattern has a great design that pops out when the blocks go together, and I look forward to watching it emerge. A 9-Patch is a relatively…

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Quilt Design Quilting Scrap Quilt

Jack’s Chain Scrappy Project

Pastel and Neutrals for Jack’s Chain Scrap Quilt Jack’s Chain caught my eye in looking for more scrap quilt patterns to pull from the fabrics I already have. There are many variations to be found, but I prefer the neutral background with pastel colors in the 9-Patch. Check out my Pinterest Page to see what I found for this pattern. Because there are so many free patterns already, I will direct you to the web…

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Quilt Design

Quilt Design Process – Part 2: Mystery Quilts

Mystery Quilts were what got me started way back in the ’90s. Now for a bit more about my quilt design process and how I started designing quilts, specifically mystery quilts. It was a long and often bumpy road, but so worth the journey. I am showing my age, but I might as well celebrate it. I started my quilt business in 1999. That was when I felt that I could do something with my…

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Quilt Design

Quilt Design Process – Part 1

The Quilt Design Process is an evolution. I am working on a Block of the Month (slowly, very slowly) to start in January. I will show a part of the quilt design process that I go through in this post. This Block of the Month will be a bit different from the traditional ones. I haven’t decided if I will share the end product first or if it will be in a mystery format (which…

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Quilt Design Quilting

Scrappy Wedding Ring Quilt

Scraps by Judy Martin Scraps by Judy is one of my favorite books, specifically the pattern called Monet’s Wedding Ring. This variation on the Wedding Ring Quilt is created with all straight-line piecing – no curves. I used this pattern to create my oldest son and daughter-in-law’s scrappy wedding ring quilt. So much thought went into this quilt. Their house style, decor, and my son’s connection to my quilting all played a part – Scrappy…

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Quilt Design Quilting

Quilting With Tamara – How it started

Welcome to Quilting With Tamara Let’s Get Started. Welcome to Quilting With Tamara. When I sit down to write, I start out thinking this will be easy. The truth is, I am usually writing and rewriting for days until the post finally comes together. I appreciate your patience as I get back into the swing of posting again. As I begin, I will only scratch the surface of what is behind Quilting With Tamara. You…

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