
February’s Quilt UFO Buster Update

Februarys quilt UFO
February’s Quilt UFO

Quilt UFO Buster Update

February’s Quilt UFO is complete. This month it took me a little bit to figure out the pieces and assemble them into some sort of pattern. I decided to simplify everything using just the pieced and plain blocks to finish this project. The other pieces have their project box. They sparked my creativity, and now I will have a design to work on.

Forward Progress on Your Quilt UFO?

How are you doing on your February Quilt UFO? Remember, any progress is a movement in the right direction. Life often gets in the way. This past week I struggled to get into the sewing room. I keep pushing myself now because I know I will be outside landscaping once good weather hits. Those chores keep me busy each week.

Pieces and parts for February's Quilt UFO
Pieces and parts for February’s Quilt UFO

List is Growing

This past fall, I decided to create an autumnal quilt for myself. Well, that idea has snowballed, and I now have several quilts that can be displayed and used in the coming fall – if I get them quilted and bound in time.

As I am completing projects, I am hoping to pull the project number for machine quilting soon! That part of my list is snowballing. I will use a scrappy binding from the leftover hand-dyed fabrics for this project. The brown fabric is the only one that wasn’t a hand-dye.

February quilt UFO
February quilt UFO

I would love to see what you are working on this month. Feel free to comment below or share on my Facebook page.

Until next time.

Quilting With Tamara

You may be interested in these posts on Unfinished Projects and Quilting UFOs.

For updates, please take a minute to join my Facebook page, Quilting With Tamara. You can also reach me through my Contact page or email: quiltingwithtamara@gmail.com if you have questions, suggestions, and feedback!

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