Pastel and Neutrals for Jack’s Chain Scrap Quilt
Jack’s Chain caught my eye in looking for more scrap quilt patterns to pull from the fabrics I already have. There are many variations to be found, but I prefer the neutral background with pastel colors in the 9-Patch. Check out my Pinterest Page to see what I found for this pattern.
Because there are so many free patterns already, I will direct you to the web pages I utilized; again, you can find them on my Pinterest Page. Pictured to the right is a quick mock-up that I did to help organize my thoughts for this pattern.

Organizing for Jack’s Chain
As I was organizing my sewing room, yet again, I pulled a variety of my light pastel hand-dyed fabrics. In addition to the pastels, I also pulled the natural, ecru, and very pale, dusty color fabrics for the background. In my head, I can picture this old-fashioned quilt with a design that uses soft colors with low contrast.

Next, I gather a photo box to keep all the pieces in, along with the pattern I use from Quilter’s Cache and Carpe Lanam. Let’s not forget to check out YouTube videos for this pattern; they will help with the process. All the pieces for a full-sized quilt fit in this box. A queen/king size is preferred, but I ran out of background fabrics. I am contemplating using natural muslin, especially since the hand-dyed fabrics are on muslin.
Updating on this Quilt Progress
Strange as this sounds, the organizing and cutting out part of the process tends to be my favorite, followed closely by the binding. It is the beginning and end of the project that gets me excited. The middle part can get a bit tedious. It is probably why I sew in short spurts.
I will be sharing my progress as I go. This may be an ongoing quilt for a while. The curves, as well as the colors on the plain background, speak to me. In saying that, please check out the Pinterest page; some stunning Jack’s Chain quilts use various colors for the background – they are stunning. It is an entirely different look. Depending on how well this one goes for me, it may have me creating one with a background in scrappy colors.
Next Time
The next post will demonstrate how I use the strip method to create the 9-Patches. This should make the process quicker. The quilts I am drawn to are very scrappy, which means various fabrics within the 9-patch.
I would love to see what you are working on this month. Feel free to comment below or share on my Facebook page.
Until next time.

You may be interested in these posts on Scrappy Quilts and Quilting UFOs.
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