Quilt UFO Buster Update for July 2023

As we are coming to the end of July, which I have no idea where the time went, it is time to talk about progress. This month I had no idea if I would finish or not. Life has been full, and trying to schedule bathroom breaks has been difficult. July’s Quilt UFO is finished as of today. For once, I am grateful for the weather that kept me out of the garden and not tending the lawn. Now to enjoy the fact that I completed another UFO Buster for this year.
Normally I attach my bindings to the front of the quilt and hand stitch them down, but not this month. The need to finish this while I had the extra time was just too strong.
This pattern is another one that I enjoy the results of. I would like to make another one, but I want to create one with a more complex design. I am always looking for that challenge. Will I add this to my list to create another one? Not right now – but you never know what the future holds.
Want to stay updated on the Quilt UFO Project?
I would love to hear about the project you want to work on this month. Take a minute to join the Facebook page. Share what you are working on in April. Feel free to share your January, February, and March projects too. Let us be a support system for finishing projects. If you put a project down because you ran into issues, share it with the group. I am sure a solution to the problem can be found.
Feel free to comment below or share on my Facebook page. I will do an update post throughout the month to share my progress.
Until next time.

You may be interested in these posts on Unfinished Projects and Quilting UFOs.
For updates, please take a minute to join my Facebook page, Quilting With Tamara. You can also reach me at quiltingwithtamara@gmail.com if you have questions or suggestions.