2024 Project Quilt UFO

Finally! I have some free time to spend in the sewing room. I have quite a few things to check off my to-do list today, but first, I am checking in with everyone. The weather in the Northeast United States isn’t looking so good, with temperatures dropping drastically in the next few days. For me, this is the perfect time to spend working on the Quilt UFO.
Foundation Piecing Quilt UFO

I am pleased with my progress on the foundation piecing. This month, I found that if I stuck with it for a couple of hours, things went smoother. Usually, if I finished early with the month’s UFO, I would continue to work on future pieces. This month, I have so much to organize in my sewing room that will be my focus for the rest of the month.
I am listening to the wind blowing, the radio playing some mellow music, and feeling blessed. It’s going to be a good day in the sewing room!
Machine Quilting 4-Patch Stars

This was one of the scrappy quilts I made when I decided to focus on the productive use of scraps in 2022. You can find the pattern on the Scrap Quilt Patterns page. Scroll down until you find the link for Scrappy 4-Patch Stars. Now, to squeeze some time in for the binding, and it will be another Quilt UFO completed in 2024.
Scrap quilts will always be my favorite type of quilt. In regards to that, I have had a pattern floating around in my head for a week now. There are parts of the design that are concrete, but there are other areas that are still a bit fuzzy. I am not ready to sit down with paper and pen to draw it out; it needs to perk for a bit longer. Once I have committed the pattern to paper, I will put it into the software and create the pattern.
Jack’s Chain Quilt UFO

Jack’s Chain 9-Patches I completed pretty early in the month. We had been sick through the holidays, and I needed something mindless to focus on. With little energy, I didn’t want to mess up the foundation piecing units. Fixing those is no easy task.
On the left side, you can see how many 9-Patches I started with in January. The pile on the right side holds the 9-Patches I completed this month. But, I will need to cut out more strips for the 9-Patches. Ultimately, I will need many more to create the Jack’s Chain quilt.
How are you doing this month with your quilt UFOs? I love that quilters are sharing their progress. It brings out the competitive nature in me. It is good for me to have a nudge toward being productive in the sewing room.
So, what is your focus today? Will you be working on the Row by Row Sampler? There are several quilters working on the 2023 Mystery Quilt. Will you be starting that one? Whatever your focus today, enjoy your creative time.
Until next time.

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