
Quilt UFO – August Update

Quilt UFO August

Mid-August Quilt UFO Update

Today is one of those days when they are calling for rain, but we haven’t seen it yet. I am going to play this day as if it were raining. There are so many inside chores to get done! I am working on a Quilt UFO – the foundation piecing one in my living room. Tomatoes, peppers, and onions are roasted in the oven, preparing to create sauce and chili later. Finally, the laundry has been started. The television is binging some show in the background, helping to keep my brain busy.

Foundation Piecing

Quilt UFOpp

As I set up my sewing station, I panicked momentarily. I found a baggie labeled July. I thought I had finished July’s. When I calmed my brain down enough, I looked at the parts in the baggie, and they were all done. I can focus on the foundation piecing quilt UFO for August. Talk about getting my heart racing.

I think I should hurry up and finish the foundation piecing parts, but I highly doubt that will happen. Although I love the results, I am not excited about the project. Motivation is what I need to finish this month’s pieces. I have learned my lesson; I am not enjoying the process. It will be a long time before I tackle a foundation pieced pattern.

Foundation piecing is so messy. I haven’t even gotten to the part where I pull the paper out, but boy, is there a mess on and around my sewing table. I keep reminding myself that it “gets worse before it gets better.” As I look at what has been accomplished this year, 14 baggies of units are completed. Once I finish August, I will only have 4 more to do.

Jack's ChainQuilt UFO

Jack’s Chain Quilt UFO

I am in love with this quilt UFO and am happy with the results at this point. However, I must contend with more “Y” seams once the long strips are done. This quilt has two different types of rows. One row is very easy, but the row with curves makes me take my time. It would be very easy to make a mistake on this row.

Machine Quilting

This is going to catch me again this month. At this point, I will definitely be playing catch-up. My competitive side is fighting it, but it doesn’t matter if I finish them by the end of the year. I will need to rethink how I want to do this next year. The summer months put so much pressure on me with everything I needed to accomplish. I am much more successful in the winter when I have fewer outside chores to do.

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If you want something to do, check out the scrappy patterns page. There is still time to start the Row by Row Sampler.

Until next time.

Quilting With Tamara

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