
Quilt UFO – July’s To-Do List

Welcome July Quilt UFO

July’s Post for Quilt UFO

Happy July 1st, ooops, July 2nd! June sped by with too many things to fit into 24-hour days. In the last post, I shared that I didn’t think I would finish everything for June. So, I completed two UFOs for the previous month’s Quilt UFO. Can you guess which one I still have to do?

Foundation Piecing Quilt UFO

Quilt UFOFoundation Piecing

It isn’t the foundation piecing! On Friday, I found a couple of extra hours. Where those hours came from, I have no idea, but I wasn’t looking a gift horse in the mouth. I started and finished the foundation piecing pattern and did a little jig! I can only celebrate briefly as I now have July to work on.

Quilt UFOFoundation Piecing

With the heat we’ve had lately, I moved to the living room for a day. Amazing how much more productive I was with the A/C keeping me cool. Either way, now, onto July’s baggie of foundation piecing. Is there light at the end of this tunnel? I think so. From this month forward, I will be more than halfway done.

Jack’s Chain Quilt UFO

Jack's ChainQuilt UFO

I was also able to work on Jack’s Chain. Check out the pictures! This is coming together nicely. It isn’t a project I can sew at high speed, though. I will be dealing with Y-Seams, which I don’t mind but requires me to sew a bit slower. For the coming month, I will continue creating the strips I need for Jack’s Chain. I am thankful that I tested it out in June because I hadn’t thought about how I would put it together…and I needed to change how I created the strips.

Jack's ChainQuilt UFO

I had pictured pastel, low-contrast results with this quilt. The image to the left provides an idea of how the quilt will look once it is done. The background is also scrappy; once I add more variety, it will blend better.

Quilt UFO – Machine Quilting

The project I didn’t finish last month was the machine quilting one. I have less than two hours left on it. I thought I would have time on Sunday, but I was blessed with a surprise visit from my son. Family comes first!

Even though we only had a few days to visit, we wasted no time. We may not have been as prepared for camping as usual, but the visit was more important. This camping trip doesn’t include any sewing, but I will work on finishing some designs. The Row by Row Sampler July Installment will be added soon.

Once I finish the quilt on the machine, it is time to quilt my Pathways to the Stars. The colors in this one make me happy. I will add a picture once we return home so you can see what I am working on.

In the Meantime

Check out the Scrap Quilt Patterns Page if you want something to do or are in between projects. I hope to add more patterns to the page, but time is the factor. I need to work on the Mystery Quilt for January.

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Quilting With Tamara

1 thought on “Quilt UFO – July’s To-Do List”

  1. Family first…fabric second!🤩Enjoy the summer….it is icy cold here at the bottom of Africa! Take care!🌷💓

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