Time for the Next Quilt UFO Buster Number

Each month I am surprised by how fast that last day came up. I was working on October’s Quilt UFO right up to the last minute. Nothing like a deadline to keep you motivated. Ultimately, the sense of accomplishment was still there. It’s almost time to look back at what has been completed in 2023. My project piles are looking a bit slimmer, but there is still so much to finish.
November Quilt UFO Number

I was so excited to see the number drawn for November. We will be working on UFO number 12. This means I am working on bindings this month. First, I have the quilt I just finished. I want to get that quilt washed, dried, and on our bed. Then, I have two mid-sized projects to do. It will be good to clear out the quilt basket! Hopefully, the only project left in the basket will be a hand-quilting one.
If you need a tutorial for binding your quilt, check this one out. There are also video tutorials available.
December Quilt UFO Number
If you have been playing along this year, you will know by default what the last number is for December. I will save the official post until next month. I did load the quilt on the machine that is for December, hoping I will be motivated to get it finished early.
Let me know if you would like to do the project game a different way for next year. I am always up for a new adventure in motivation! It helps that I am competitive by nature.
Want to stay updated?
I would love to hear about the project you want to work on this month. Take a minute to join the Facebook page. Share what you are working on this month. Actually, feel free to share your completed projects for 2023. Let us be a support system for finishing projects. If you put a project down because you ran into issues, share it with the group. I am sure a solution to the problem can be found.
Watch for upcoming posts for the Row by Row Sampler that will be starting in January. New scrap quilt patterns will be added soon, as well as additional 12″ blocks. Join the FaceBook page to stay updated.
Feel free to comment below or share on my Facebook page. I will do an update post partway through the month to share my progress.
Until next time.

You may be interested in these posts on Unfinished Projects and Quilting UFOs.
For updates, please take a minute to join my Facebook page, Quilting With Tamara. You can also reach me through my Contact page or email: quiltingwithtamara@gmail.com if you have questions or suggestions.