Row by Row Sampler – Adding Sashings
This month, I also decided to give you the option to start adding your sashings to the Row by Row Sampler. However, I won’t be adding the written directions on the Row by Row sampler page until the end of the year. It is optional at this point. You may decide that you do not want your rows sewn in the order that they have been given.

It is time to start cutting 2″ strips from your Dark Fabric. You will need to piece your 2″ strips to make them long enough to go between the rows, which should measure 72 1/2″ long. It is important that your rows measure correctly because we have a pieced border to add that is based on the center of the quilt measuring accurately. Don’t worry; there are always options for making adjustments if your quilt center isn’t the given size.

How To
I sewed all of my strips together, so I had one long strip, pressing everything flat at the end. My measurements were all pretty close. If I had gone too heavy with the starch, I noticed my rows were often too long. A spray with the water bottle and blocking the row fixed that. It was time to cut the sashing strip to length. Pinning was very helpful for me.
Once you have added the sashing strips, press your seam allowance toward the sashing strip. As you finish rows, continue to add the rows and sashing strips to your quilt center.
Row By Row Sampler Options
There is no right or wrong way to do the sashings. Some of you would rather wait to see where you want each row. Others will want to continue to add to the quilt center as you are going, so there is less to do at the end of the year.

I sewed my rows together, and it helped me decide how I wanted to use the colors across the rows.
Enjoy the process of creating your Row by Row Sampler. I look forward to seeing the results! If you are looking for other scrappy quilt blocks and patterns, check here. If you would like to stay updated, join my Facebook Page: Quilting With Tamara.
Until next time.