My Hope for Saturday Sewing

I have been looking forward to my Saturday Sewing Day all week; my goal was to finish the September UFO. Well, remember when I posted my Thursday Thoughts on a broken needle over a week ago? Sometimes, a broken needle isn’t so easy to fix. All last week, I tried to find a couple of minutes to quilt. It wasn’t meant to be, so I planned for Saturday to be my sewing day.
Saturday Plans Go Awry
Oh, we can make the plans, but sometimes you need to step back and do some repairs. That needle broke into three pieces, and I hadn’t realized. Today, after mowing the lawn, I figured I could squeeze in an hour or so of quilting. Nope, not until I spend quality time fixing things on the machine. Thank goodness it isn’t something worse.
It’s funny how I have more patience for certain areas of my life: my grandchildren, for example. But, when I want to escape into my creative chaos, I can get frustrated easily. Maybe it is because my sewing room time is limited, or at least that is what I tell myself. This is something I need to continue to work on.
We are never too old to learn. I can learn to take that deep breath and a break. Usually, when I come back, I am ready to tackle the issue. My frustration came from not wanting to take a quilt off the machine in order to fix the issue. First, the machine wasn’t that far from the end of the row – that was a blessing. Secondly, I found the issue right away. So, my irritation with the whole thing could have been taken care of rather quickly if I had just slowed down for a minute or two.
Saturday Sewing Begins Again

So, before posting this, I ensured everything was in working order. You should have seen my little happy dance when everything worked. My pups certainly joined in – what a noisy little happy dance we were doing—time to get back to something I love.
I hope you have had some free time this week to do something that makes you happy! While I didn’t have enough time in my sewing room, I had abundant time with the grandbabies. I easily forget those little frustrations as I watch them grow and learn.
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Until next time.