
Sorry for the Delay – Flu 1, Tamara 0

Not so much fun with the Flu

So, after dealing with the flu for ten days, I am finally on the mend. Then, I came back to an error on the website. When it rains, it pours, but I am back and playing catch-up. The positive thing was that the grandkids were on vacation, so we didn’t have to juggle their schedules. It may be another day before the next installment of the Row by Row is posted. It depends on how my energy holds up as the day progresses.

Quilting with Tamara scrap quilts

July’s Progress

I was so close last month but only completed the Foundation Piecing Project. The machine quilting is done two-thirds of the way. I probably only have a few hours left on it. I tried to work on it when I was sick, but it wasn’t a pretty sight. Jack’s Chain would be just completing more of those chains. If I still have energy once the kids go home, I will work on one of them.

Always Juggling

This summer, I feel like all I have done is juggle things and not really enjoy life. Maybe it is time to step back and re-evaluate things. Life is too short to constantly be running at high speed and not stopping to enjoy the flowers.

This Month

So, I will lessen the pressure on myself and be glad to enjoy what is left of my summer. I will choose some time to escape into my sewing room as time allows. It is that delicate balancing act.

If you need something to work on when the weather keeps you inside, stop by the Scrappy Pattern Page. Many of these patterns can easily be enlarged or resized.

Quilting With Tamara

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