
Sunday Sew Day

Sunday sew DayMachine Quilting

What’s on Your Table for Sunday Sew Day

The sunshine streaming through the windows has put me in a creative mood. Today, I am focusing on machine quilting. The music is blaring, and I am dancing along as I quilt. It’s a good thing that my machine glides nicely as I quilt. I love these types of days. Sunday Sew Day is bringing a smile to my face.

Where Did February Go?

While I enjoy that our days are slowly getting longer, I still have to wonder where February went. This winter has been an unusual one for us. We have had very little snow and temperatures that bounce all over the place. I am enjoying the warmer one, but if you look at our trees, the buds are starting to show.

Enjoy the blessings, and don’t worry about tomorrow. I am doing just that today. Enjoying the sunshine and hearing the birds sing.

What is March Going to Bring?

March is going to be a time to focus on more machine quilting for as long as my motivation holds out. It helps that the speed control works wonders. I didn’t realize how bad the other one was. While it doesn’t moderate the speed depending on my pace, it still is so much smoother. I am a happy girl!

I have 13 quilts (at this point) that need to be quilted. This is so much better than last year. The shelf that holds my quilts-in-waiting is slowly emptying. There is a high probability that the shelf will never be totally empty, but I don’t plan on it getting out of hand anymore.

Enjoy Your Sunday Sew Day

I hope you are able to enjoy your Sunday Sew Day – however, that looks for you. It is time for me to get back to machine quilting. May the rest of your day be peaceful.

Until next time.

Quilting With Tamara

If you are looking for something to do, check out the newest block added to the Free Quilt Block page. There is a pattern for two different sizes after the directions for the block. If you would like to stay informed of new patterns being added to the website, join the Facebook page Quilting With Tamara.

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