Quilt Design Quilting

Sunday Sew Day – Time to Catch-up

Sunday Sew Day

Sunday Sew DayQuilt UFOs

Today was a good day to spend a few hours in the sewing room—my Sunday Sew Day. This was one of those days when I was productive at finishing things, although I don’t know what was different today from other days. We are just about at the halfway point in July. Up until today, I hadn’t worked on my July quilt UFOs.

Progress on Quilt UFOs

Quilt UFOsSunday Sew DayFoundation Piecing

The foundation piecing projects for this month are done, and the basket holding those projects is looking increasingly empty! The progress is noticeable. It isn’t nearly as overwhelming as when I sorted it all out at the beginning of the year. It is getting close to the time to start putting all the small parts together. Picking out all the paper once everything is together will create a mess. Having two projects equals double the mess.

Quilt UFOsSunday Sew DayMachine Quilting

The machine quilt Quilt UFO is halfway done. It is incredible how many rows I can machine quilt when listening to a movie. We have a very special wedding to go to this weekend, so I won’t have a chance to get back to projects until the beginning of the week.

Overall Progress for the Year

My shelf with the quilt tops is down to 12 quilts. Finally, there is light at the end of the tunnel! I have two quilts that will need bindings. This could have been completed today, but I got sidetracked with the Row by Row Sampler. The bindings can wait until the weather is cooler.

I still have 14 projects in various stages. This is still too many, but hopefully, by the end of the year, that number will be smaller. Many of them are scrappy quilts, helping to decrease my scrappy fabrics! A quilt retreat or a weekend getaway would be helpful! Please share how you stay motivated in finishing your projects! Someday, I hope to be that person who only has one project going at a time. Do I think this is realistic for me? Probably not, but having a more manageable amount of projects is a goal.

Hopefully, you are finding some creative time in the sewing room. If you want something to do, there is still time to join the Row by Row Sampler. To stay informed, sign up using your email below or join the Quilting With Tamara FaceBook page.

Until next time.

Quilting With Tamara

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