
Quilting Productivity

Weekly To-Do Lists Aid Quilting Productivity I am a list person; I love to cross items off a list and ultimately add items to my list just to cross them off. Raise your hand if you do the same. By all means, create the list, add items, and cross things off the list! After all, the lists are meant to help us feel productive, specifically regarding our quilting productivity. As my brain matures, I now…

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Quilting Skills – Important?

Welcome to Quilting With Tamara There is so much more to quilting than picking out a pattern. Each quilting skill builds upon the next and therefore important to learn the foundation skills. It takes practice and a willingness to learn a few basic techniques. Let’s throw some patience in there too! I continue to learn. Quilts, fabrics, and even quilting tools inspire me – well, almost any tool, as you will see. There are fundamental…

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