
February’s Quilt UFO Buster Update

Quilt UFO Buster Update February’s Quilt UFO is complete. This month it took me a little bit to figure out the pieces and assemble them into some sort of pattern. I decided to simplify everything using just the pieced and plain blocks to finish this project. The other pieces have their project box. They sparked my creativity, and now I will have a design to work on. Forward Progress on Your Quilt UFO? How are…

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Quilting Scrap Quilt

Scrap Quilts – Let’s Start

Using up the Scraps By Making Quilts Scrap quilts are my focus for 2023 for several reasons. First of all, I love their look, reminding me of the quilts my grandma made. Secondly, I want to use up fabrics I already have. Lastly, it is a challenge; there are many options for beautiful quilts from seemingly simple blocks. As I told you in an earlier post, each month, I will share free quilt patterns that…

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Freebies Quilting Scrap Quilt

Scrappy 4-Patch Stars

4-Patch Stars are going Scrappy This month I am sharing the Scrappy 4-Patch Stars, a free quilt pattern. Do you have an overabundance of 2 1/2″ squares or jelly roll strips? This scrap quilt could be made with strips. It utilizes 2 1/2″ squares, 2 1/2″x 4 1/2″ rectangles, and 2 1/2″ x 8 1/2″ rectangles if you add the sashings and cornerstones. It would make short use of those leftovers. This 4-patch star quilt…

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Scrappy Quilts – Delectable Mountains

Scrappy Quilt Patterns – Delectable Mountains Over the past year, I have reignited my love for scrap quilts. Couple that with the desire to use fabrics I already have on hand. This year I will post projects that are scrappy and geared toward using up leftover materials. Some will focus on the 2 1/2″ squares and 2 1/2″ strips; others will focus on various size leftovers. The Delectable Mountains Is the first free quilt pattern…

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Freebies Quilting

Scrappy Irish Chain Quilt Block

Double Irish Chain – Perfect for using up Leftover Fabrics Is your sewing room overflowing with fabric? Are you looking for a way to use up what you have? The Double Irish Chain quilt block indeed lends itself to a scrappy quilt. In this easy scrappy quilt pattern, you need 2 1/2″ squares of a variety of colors as well as 2 1/2″ strips of light or dark background colors. Ultimately, these are the most…

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What is a Quilting UFO?

Quilting UFO? A Quilting UFO is a quilty Un-Finished Object (Project). For me, I think of them as UFPs – Un-Finished Projects. You may also hear quilters talk about WIP – Work in Progress. Lately, most of mine have been UFPs – Unfinished Projects.  Quilting UFO or UFPs – So many projects During the organization process of the Creative Chaos Room (oxymoron?), I found that I had way too many unfinished projects. I know I am not alone…

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Quilt Design

Quilt Design Process – Part 2: Mystery Quilts

Mystery Quilts were what got me started way back in the ’90s. Now for a bit more about my quilt design process and how I started designing quilts, specifically mystery quilts. It was a long and often bumpy road, but so worth the journey. I am showing my age, but I might as well celebrate it. I started my quilt business in 1999. That was when I felt that I could do something with my…

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Quilt Design Quilting

Scrappy Wedding Ring Quilt

Scraps by Judy Martin Scraps by Judy is one of my favorite books, specifically the pattern called Monet’s Wedding Ring. This variation on the Wedding Ring Quilt is created with all straight-line piecing – no curves. I used this pattern to create my oldest son and daughter-in-law’s scrappy wedding ring quilt. So much thought went into this quilt. Their house style, decor, and my son’s connection to my quilting all played a part – Scrappy…

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